

About Me

Liana's profile picture

Hi, I am Liana ...

I am currently enrolled in a full stack web developer bootcamp at University of Birmingham. In 2020 I obtained a 2.1 degree in Clinical Psychology from University of Worcester and I have a strong background in Maths and Biological Sciences.

I gained skills in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and Jquery by completing the front end phase and I am currently grasp back end concepts, starting with utilising Node Js. I am planning to use my attention to details alongside creativity in building application that could solve present issues.

I am also working with young people with autism, learning difficulties and deafblindness. In my free time you can find me reading (currently Game of Thrones), going to the gym and cooking.


landing page of Foodtopia app illustrating a navigation bar with search bar and random recipes

Foodtopia is a recipe app, which assists users with advanced dietary needs. This app also provides an advanced mathematical calculator to present quantity of ingredients for catering services and to cater for larger parties.

landing page of Foodtopia app illustrating a navigation bar with search bar and random recipes

Stockscape tests users’ skills as they build portfolios and compete for the highest year-end earnings. A full-stack web application, Stockscape takes inspiration from the chaos of the 2021 financial market; a time when many took interest in the stock market and how they could succeed. Users start with $1,000,000 in game funds to invest in their choice of up to 100 different company stocks. Year-end earnings are calculated instantly and displayed on the user's dashboard as a leaderboard of top Stockscape portfolios and within their portfolios list. Users can view other users' profiles and portfolios, update their public profile, and create as many investment portfolios as they wish.

Weather dashboard search results page illustrating a current weather card and 5-days forecast weather cards
Weather Dashboard

An app designed to provide users with weekly weather information based on city search criteria. The user is able to visualise current day weather conditions and a 5-days forecast.

daily planner page illustrating a 9 hour container with time, activity and save icon
Daily planner

A daily planner application which would allow users to save events for each business hour (9AM to 5PM) a using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

code quiz start page illustrating quiz instructions, a start quiz button and a navbar with view high-scores and timer
Code Quiz

A 60 seconds JavaScript quiz meant to test your technical knowledge. For each wrong answer, the user is deducted 5 seconds from the remaining time. Users can store their high-scores using local storage.

code quiz start page illustrating quiz instructions, a start quiz button and a navbar with view high-scores and timer
Password Generator

A Javascript application that randomly generates a password based on user's input criteria: number of characters, types of characters to be included (numeric, lowercase, uppercase, special characters)

landing page of Horiseon agency illustrating a navigation bar with main section and aside bar
Horiseon code refactor

Refactored the given code for Horiseon's landing page. Increased accessibility, implemented semantic HTML, reduced duplication of CSS styles, added high-level comments.

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